Foot Facts Worth Knowing
Are foot problems widespread?
Seventy-five percent of Americans will experience foot health problems of varying degrees of severity at one time or another in their lives.
Are feet complicated?
The foot is an intricate structure containing 26 bones. Thirty-three joints, one hundred and seven ligaments and nineteen muscles and tendons hold the foot together and allow it to move in a variety of ways. Put both feet together and you get 52 bones and about one quarter of the body’s entire bone structure. Our Certified Pedorthists and entire staff have had extensive training in how feet work.
Do women have more foot problems than men?
Women have about four times as many foot problems as men; lifelong patterns of wearing poorly constructed and improperly fitted shoes are often the culprit. More care taken in purchasing footwear can help prevent many painful foot conditions.
How far does the average person walk during a typical day and during their lifetime?
The American Podiatric Medical Association says the average person takes 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day. Those cover several miles, and they all add up to about 115,000 miles in a lifetime -- more than four times the circumference of the globe. Proper foot care is crucial to maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.
How much pressure goes into your feet while you are walking?
There are times when you're walking that the pressure on your feet exceeds your body weight. When you're running, it can be three or four times your weight. Shoes that are not suited to your support needs, well fitted to your feet, or that are worn out can lead to foot problems that are otherwise preventable.
How much sweat do your feet produce each day?
There are approximately 250,000 sweat glands in a pair of feet, and they excrete as much as half a pint of moisture each day. Materials used in shoes and socks can help keep the foot more comfortable by assisting to wick this moisture away from the skin.
What exercise is safe for your feet and good for your overall health?

All exercise is important; however, walking is the best exercise for your feet. Walking also contributes to your general health by improving circulation, contributing to weight control and promoting all-around well being. As with all other activities, a proper shoe, matched to your support needs, will ensure the best chance to stay injury-free.
Can serious medical problems first show up in the feet?
Your feet mirror your general health. Such conditions as arthritis, diabetes and nerve and circulatory disorders can show their initial symptoms in the feet; so, foot ailments can be your first sign of more serious medical problems. Our Certified Pedorthist can help address the symptoms that relate to the feet.
Are all foot problems hereditary? Are you born with foot problems or do they develop later?
Only a small percentage of the population is born with foot problems. The American Podiatric Medical Association believes neglect and a lack of awareness of proper care -- including ill-fitting shoes -- bring on the problems. A lifetime of wear and tear plus neglect accounts for the fact that 75% of Americans will have some foot problem of varying degrees at some time in their life.
Isn’t it normal for feet to hurt a little bit?
Your feet should not hurt. Pain is the body's way of warning you something is wrong. If you ignore your pain without addressing the condition causing it, your situation could become worse. Our staff is properly trained in pedorthics, so our shoe salespeople can help alleviate symptoms you may be experiencing by providing footwear that is better suited to the individual needs of your foot.
What are corns and calluses?
Corns and calluses are caused by friction and pressure from skin rubbing against bony areas when wearing shoes. If the first signs of soreness are ignored, corns and calluses rise up as the body’s way of protecting sensitive areas. A properly fitted shoe or insert will help prevent these potentially painful occurrences.
What is a Certified Pedorthist or C.Ped?
A Board-Certified Pedorthist is an individual who has studied foot anatomy and pathology, biomechanics, shoe construction and modification, foot orthosis fabrication and materials, footwear fitting and patient/practice management. A C.Ped is also someone who abides by the Board for Certification of Pedorthics’ Code of Ethics, outlining responsibilities to the patient, the physician, the public and the profession. For most C.Peds, hands-on training in the field is also part of their learning process.
Who should use orthotics?
Because perfect feet are very rare, almost anyone can benefit from orthoses orthotics. They can prevent and alleviate many of the common foot complications that cause discomfort in otherwise healthy people. Like eyeglasses, orthoses orthotics can help adjusts bodily imperfections that inhibit people from functioning at their maximum physical potential.
How does an orthotic work?
An orthotic is used to bring the ground into even contact with the rest of the foot. This allows the entire foot to support the weight of the body. Extra cushioning or other modifications can be built into the orthotic so that parts of the foot are off weighted. some of the force does not even reach the foot.
What tips should I follow when shopping for shoes?
When shopping for shoes, you should take a few things into consideration. Your feet tend to swell a little during the day, and it's best to buy shoes that will fit them then. Our professional salespeople will measure your feet to help determine the best match shoes for your individual fit and function, and what type of look you desire. When you try on shoes, try them on both feet; many people have one foot larger than the other, and it's best to fit the larger foot.