
The Brooks Sports team, pictured here, knows they are the go to company for anything related to running. Being a leading running company that designs performance men's and women's running shoes, and apparel in over 40 countries around the world, they are dedicated to helping inspire people to run and be more active by creating gear that helps keep them running longer, faster, farther, and happier.
They’re not only dedicated to runners, they are runners. They aren’t just a shoe company or apparel company they are truly a running company. It’s what they do. Their motto “Run Happy” celebrates the spiritual essence that makes running an addictive sport powered motivations that vary as much as its participants. It doesn’t matter if you’re young, old, fast, or slow. Someone who calls themselves a runner shares a passion Brooks lives both at work and play.
Brooks is proud of their reputation for engineering shoes that provide the perfect ride for any gait, and the perfect fit for every size and shape of foot. They have shoes for support, or and for cushion. Their success is relies on getting it right for the runner.
Each and every day they work to ensure that all of their products meet the needs of runners, provide comfort, and help prevent running related injuries. Brooks does this by aligning with universities and some of the top researchers from around the world.
They have created breakthrough advancements in running technology including Brooks DNA, a smart cushioning system that adapts to each runner’s biomechanics, gait, pace and weight; BioMoGo, the world’s first biodegradable midsole for running shoes that biodegrades 50 times faster than other athletic shoe midsoles; Progressive Diagonal Rollbar, the high tech feature that is a made for overpronators; and HPR Green, the long-wearing outsole compound with wet and dry traction in a more environmentally friendly composition.
Brooks continually strives to build great running gear with minimal impact to the earth. Every day they look to make better choices regarding designs, fabric, and processes that help protect the earth without sacrificing performance.
Brooks was founded in 1914 and is located in Bothell, Washington.